Allow your true essence to emerge one conversation at a time.
What is Soul fika?
Fun, deep, rich, beautiful, meaningful, uplifting, new earth conversations for your Soul.
Why fika? Fika is my favorite Swedish word because it literally means a "tea and treat" or a "coffee and cake" break. If that's not heaven on earth vibes, I don't know what is.
I'm here to remind you that your life gets to be loving, fun, beautiful, harmonious and fulfilling. Deep down you already know this and now it's time to allow yourself to live this way.
Take a deep breath..........sit back..........relax
and allow the magic and beauty to unfold.
You as you are.
That is all that is required.
You are already worthy, whole, full, magnificent, Sovereign and free. Your mind may attempt to tell you otherwise but it has a very limited linear point of view.
It's time to remember the truth of YOU!
A space of love.
A space of joy.
A safe space to land.
A safe space to share.
A safe space to simply be.
A space of infinite possibilities.
All of you is welcome here!
We both show up with genuine intentions and love in our hearts and allow the beauty and magic to unfold.
Receive heart-centered attention and guidance from me throughout your journey of self-love, self-acceptance, self-empowerment, integration and embodiment.
When you love and accept yourself you make it easier for everyone around you to love and accept themselves too. Thank yourself for taking this step and for being part of creating an even more beautiful, loving, conscious and harmonious world. <3
As a Self-Love, Embodiment & Spiritual Guide with over 25 years of spiritual development experience, I help clients transform their lives by reconnecting with their true selves. Using my intuition and deep understanding of each person's innate desires, I provide a safe space for them to embody their authentic selves and live beautifully fulfilling lives.
Self-love & Embodiment
Working with Lise has been a game-changer for me. I can finally say and feel that I love myself and all of my relationships have improved because of this. I feel more love, freedom and fulfillment than I ever have before. Thank you, Lise!
Self-love & Embodiment
I came to Lise feeling lost and overwhelmed. Through her loving and intuitive guidance, I gained a deeper understanding of myself and how to love all of me, including the part of me that doubts. Today, I feel more at ease and empowered to be with whatever comes my way.
Self-love & Embodiment
I used to struggle with expressing myself but after woking with Lise, I now feel confident in my ability to clearly and fully express myself. I have learned to love and to trust myself and it has made all the difference in my life. I couldn't be happier.
I feel like I’ve been on a spiritual path always. At the age of 14, I remember gazing out my bedroom window looking a the starry night sky, asking myself: What is this all about? Why am I here? Why are we all here?
At 20, with the arrival of Chapters bookstores, I began to quench my thirst for self-knowledge by reading self-help and metaphysical books. Before then, I didn’t consider myself a reader—I actually thought I didn’t like books. But this was different, I couldn’t put these books down. They were giving me so much insight into myself and I could feel how they were feeding my heart and Soul. It felt like I had discovered the greatest treasure of my life through these books.
From that point on I was hooked, that was definitely the beginning of my spiritual journey—one that would lead me on a grand adventure with many insights, breakthroughs, twists, turns, beyond my wildest dreams moments and adventures, incredible highs, gut-wrenching lows, lots of unknowns and a few dark nights of the Soul.
Nevertheless, I wouldn’t change a thing about my journey because it gave me the greatest gift of all, the gift of self-realization. Knowing who I am in Truth while being in this beautiful exquisite experience called life.
Every single moment, circumstance, challenge, opportunity, interaction, conversation, family member, partner, friend, colleague, acquaintance, stranger, teacher, book, job, program, workshop, retreat, destination and experience contributed to who I am now. Therefore, I have immense gratitude and reverence for every part of my journey and every person I encountered along the way. And that includes being grateful for all the painful parts too.
The times I doubted myself, judged myself, questioned if I was lovable or not, experienced heartbreak, went through a mild depression, felt insecure, anxious, questioned my worth, people pleased, abandoned myself, had a hard time speaking up, wanted to runaway, played small, hid, felt like I didn’t belong, felt anxious, insecure, self-sabotaged and on and on. I can look back at all that now and realize the GIFT in it all.
I am more loving, kind, compassionate and accepting of myself, my loved ones, each person I meet and the world as a whole. I now know without question that every person—including me—is doing their best based on the level of consciousness they are in. No exceptions. And it’s all perfect.
Love, peace and gratitude now flow effortlessly from me into every area of my life because of everything I have experienced and the grander perspective I now choose to hold.
Do I still have my moments? Yes. Does it mean that everything is as I wish it to be all the time? No. But I am steadfast in the knowing that everything is always happening for my highest good and to bring me into greater levels of my love, power, freedom and clarity. Because of this, I remain calm, happy and peaceful within. And that, in itself, is priceless.
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